Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Character comparion in OBIEE

Disable Case sensitive search or comparison in OBIEE


1. Disable case sensitive search in obiee prompt

2. Disable case sensitive comparison in obiee 10g / 11g

The CASE_SENSITIVE_CHARACTER_COMPARISON parameter in the NQConfig.ini file controls the case sensitive search within OBIEE. 
The CASE_SENSITIVE_CHARACTER_COMPARISON parameter affects only BI Server setting not the Database.It doesn't affect the DB queries DBA might be have enabled or disabled in database.
Only data that has been cached by the BI Server is affected.

Include the below command in the connection pool of the repository under connection script

Alter session set NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI

Alter session set NLS_COMP=LINGUISTIC

Above problem appeared as data issue in our reports, when we were upgrading our project from OBIEE 10g to 11g then we added above solution in rpd.

Thank You,

Ashish Tiwari

Hide page option in OBIEE 10G

================Hide page option=======================
<script type="text/javascript">
function hidePageOption()
  var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
  var tabcls = body.getElementsByTagName("td");
  var tablcn;
  for (i = 0; i < tabcls.length; i++)
    tablcn = tabcls[i];
      tablcn.style.display = "none";

Hide Go button in OBIEE 10G and create custom go button

===============Hide Go Button javascript==========================
<style type="text/css">
.GFPSubmit {display: none;}

===================Go Button js===================================
nqdfmt = 'mmddyy';
function GFPDoFilters_samvi(sViewID, tTable, bGFPReloadInline){
// RIE: calling GFPDoFilters in preview mode
// doesn’t do anything so we are going to just return
var tExpr = XUICreateElement(saw.xml.kSawxNamespace, 'expr');
tExpr.setAttribute("xsi:type", "sawx:logical");
tExpr.setAttribute("op", "and");
for(var h=0; h<tTable.length; ++h)
var tPromptCells_New = tTable[h].getElementsByTagName("TD");
for(var i=0; i<tPromptCells_New.length; ++i)
var tElement = tPromptCells_New[i];
if(tElement.getAttribute("GFPBuilder") != null)
var tFilter = eval(tElement.getAttribute("GFPBuilder"));
alert('xxxx '+e);
var tDelayedDash = document.getElementById("sawDashboardDelayed");
if(tExpr.childNodes.length==0 && !document.getElementById("sawDashboardDelayed"))
return false;
else if(tExpr.childNodes.length==0)
tExpr = null;
else if(tExpr.childNodes.length==1)
tExpr.setAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
// inline report load support on dashboard
// now we have a switch to control whether we do it inline
var tForm = GetViewForm("", -1, bGFPReloadInline);
var tRoot = XUIGetRootXML("idXUIGFPPreview");
tForm.P1.value = saw.getXmlText(saw.getFirstChildElement(tRoot));
tForm.action = saw.commandToURL("ViewPreview");
submitViewForm(tForm, null);
GFPApplyFilters(tForm, tExpr, sViewID);
return false;

function GlobalGo(){
var aElm = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
var tTableArray = new Array();
var k = 0;
//Required Field validation variables
var aSpanElm = document.getElementsByTagName('span');
var aReqFields = new Array();
var oneTimeValExists = 'N';
//var oneXXXValExists = 'N';
var sCaption;
var errMsg = '';
var i = 0;
var aDivElm = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
var scopeId;
var scopeIndex;
var sViewId;
//BEGIN ********** DEVELOPER(s): Add Required Fields here
aReqFields[0] = 'Date From';
aReqFields[1] = 'Date To';

//END **********
//Get Captions and Controls to check for required fields/values
for(var a=0; a<aSpanElm.length; a++){
//Get Caption
sCaption = aSpanElm[a].firstChild.data;
var fromDate ;
var toDate;
//Check if required value exists
var aInput = aSpanElm[a].getElementsByTagName('input'); // multi-select and text boxes
var aOption = aSpanElm[a].getElementsByTagName('option');  // dropdown
if(sCaption=='Date From'){
if(aInput[0].value != ''){
 fromDate = aInput[0].value;
 fromDate = new Date(fromDate);
 var currdate = new Date();
 currdate = currdate.setDate(currdate.getDate() - 90);
 currdate = new Date(currdate);
 if (fromDate < currdate)
 errMsg = errMsg + '"From date" should not be beyond 90 days from "current date". \n';
 } //end of if condition
if(sCaption=='Date To'){
if(aInput[0].value != ''){
 toDate = aInput[0].value;
 toDate = new Date(toDate);
 var currdate = new Date();
 if (toDate > currdate)
 errMsg = errMsg + '"To date" cannot be greater than "current date". \n';

//Check if a required field
for(var b=0; b<aReqFields.length; b++){
var hasValue = 'N';

//Check if multi-select or text box with caption has value
for(var c=0; c<aInput.length; c++){
if(aInput[c].value.length > 0) {
hasValue = 'Y';

//Check if dropdown with caption has value
for(var c=0; c<aOption.length; c++){
if(aOption[c].selected && aOption[c].value.trim().length > 0){
hasValue = 'Y';
//if Value does not exists add to errMsg
if(hasValue=='N'){errMsg = errMsg+'* ' + aReqFields[b] +' is a Required Field!\n';}
} //EndFor required Fields
//BEGIN ********** DEVELOPER(s): Add Time Fields here
//check if time field
if(sCaption=='Fiscal Period' || sCaption=='Fiscal Week' || sCaption=='Dates'|| sCaption=='Year'){
for(var c=0; c<aInput.length; c++){
if(aInput[c].value.trim().length > 0){
oneTimeValExists = 'Y';
} //Endif check time field
//END **********
//BEGIN ********** DEVELOPER(s): This is template check for 'OR'ed fields or (At Least one)
//check if time field